Sunday 27 December 2015

10 things I would tell my son!

1. You are neither, and never will be, a black king or a prince but you are my world
2. Never did I not want to be your dad
3. Your manhood is not determined by the number of women you can get to sleep with you
4. Do not be led by your sexual desires, that is how great men fall
5. Men and women cannot be friends, respect the differences between males and females
6. The best gift you can give your wife is saving yourself for her
7. Treat women the same way you would want your mother, sisters and daughters to be treated
8. Don't be afraid of working hard, as a man you should equip yourself to be a provider and a protector
9. I know what it's like to be a man, I'm always here to help you understand life
10. At the end of life is death, we all go down to the grave therefore do not get puffed up with whatever you achieve.

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