Tuesday 30 June 2015

Why do black women hate that black men can be attracted to women of other races?

I am a big fan of music. I mean love music from all cultures and walks of life; any tune with good instrumentation, good melodies and decent lyrics gets thumbs up from me. So the other day I was on YouTube bumping some Naija tunes (shout out to all my Naija @Africanindiaspos) whilst at work when the autoplay function on YouTube brought on some P-Square. Yes like Rick Ross I be bumping P-Square – Bawse. I digress as usual. Moving on, two P-Square songs that I was particularly intrigued by were ‘Collabo’ and ‘Taste the money’. Since I enjoyed the songs I figured I would watch the videos during my lunch break which I did and all of us know that when you watch anything online you have to check the comments to find out what people are saying/thinking and I was startled by some of the comments.

The comments that startled me were all from black women. Whilst everyone else enjoyed the music and found the videos to be ‘modern’ it seems that quite a few black dark-skinned women felt the need to express their disgust at the choice of girls depicted in the P-Square music videos. As we all probably know music videos typically have lead people in them (apart from the artists) and they may be men or women. In the ‘Taste the money’ video the lead girl was a white blonde lady and this triggered some serious backlash from our sisters. One lady in particular said, ‘This is the kind of video I hate. These guys come from a country where they probably saw poverty's dammages. Now that they got money, they make videos where they show how rich they are and where they have fun with white girls like lol, like white people had finally accepted them as equal because of their money.. Lol’. This was not the only comment of this nature in the comments section and one might be tempted to think that these women are correct in saying that P-Square have no right to be involving white women in their videos when they could be promoting black beauty. However, that is not what these dark-skinned women want. I soon discovered that by watching the ‘Collabo’ video in which the lead girl was a black woman.

Whilst some of the black women were simultaneously criticizing the song and expressing their joy at the fact that P-Square at least had a black girl as a lead, other black women were still saying that P-Square should have gone for a darker-skinned even more beautiful girl. One woman even spitefully called P-Square ugly which is quite ironic. If you call a dark individual ugly based on their skin tone how can you expect them to be attracted to dark women and even further than that how can you expect them to want to have dark-skinned ugly children who look like them? I ask too many questions but perhaps it is because people spew too much garbage.

It seems to me that black dark-skinned women who behave in such a way and call themselves ‘Mama Africa’, the pillars of black families are not as strong and as loving as they purport themselves to be. It seems, rather, that they are weak-minded (I am not talking about Monday to Friday) and controlling to the extent that they feel that the depiction of any other group of women as beautiful would render them ugly and displace them in beauty/dating pool. So to stop that from happening they make it their mission to bash down their own brothers (for having any interest in any other group of women) whilst they are wearing weave to look like the very women they despise – white/biracial/Brazilian women.

Let us not forget that P-Square has numerous other music videos in which the lead girls are black and that Peter and Paul Okoye are both married to a black women but that does not seem to matter to some of my dear sisters. They still want to rule every part of the black existence and that makes me wonder, ‘how are black men supposed to become more attracted to black women with such characters?’ Here I go again asking too many questions, but it is true though that this and many other character flaws serve to drive black men into the arms of women of other races. My sisters please know this that many of you are very beautiful and I have a black partner myself and would not have it any other way. However, please do not force us to see that you are pretty. Instead let your character and virtues draw us to you and trust me no one will be able to compete with you.

I have not seen black men act in the same manner of bashing down black women for their interests in other races and yet many black women still seem to love us. That is despite what we see on YouTube which is black women flaunting their white love interests or knowing that some of the most beautiful and prominent black women such as Maya Angelou, Diana Ross, Whoopi Goldberg, Sanaa Lathan, Kerry Washington, Heather Headley (the list goes on) are married to have been married to white men. Whoopi Goldberg has even been married to white men 3 times.

My sisters do not look for validation on white-owned media. Switch off your televisions and be yourselves and please do not be hypocrites about an individual’s preference of skin tone or race. I remember once as young man going to a party with a light-skinned friend of mine and having dark-skinned women totally disregard me whilst acknowledging my buddy as eye-candy. It cut me deep, cut me like surgery with no anesthesia and for a time I wanted to be light skinned until I realised that hey ‘I’ve got a lovable personality and that is way better than being fair or white with no personality’.

My precious sisters your character should be so great that when a brother goes for someone of a different race, you shouldn’t feel the need to bash them but to rather pity them for missing out on a great mate like yourselves.

Until next time, let us share let us grow.

‘Race should not pervade the discussion of love or choice of a mate for love is not about colour but character’ - @Africanindiaspo


  1. Thanks man. I saw this too and I was equally surprised. What really came as a shook for me was her last statement "like white people had finally accepted them as equal because of their money.." This is the comment I for her.

    I feel bad to know that you are struggling to "be equal" to a "white man". It is people like you who make some idiots think they are superior just because they are white. Even in France black guys who are not rich date white girls. Dating is not about race or wealth my dear and neither is this song. let me tell you something my dear, I once had a white colleague express surprise at my work because "Someone told him black people had inferior brain" he expected me to be angry but I told him I felt pity for the person who told him that because it takes more than a fool to think that a person's brain or intellectual ability is linked to their skin color. I could tell there was no relation here since primary school so why should I get angry because some guy is naive or just a plain fool, whether they are white or black? It will also be foolish of me to think that all white people are as stupid as this guy just because they are white like him.

    Even if a white person does not want to date or have anything to do with a black person so what? I see no difference in that with someone from an African tribe who prefer to date only their tribe’s person. To keep this short, people are what they are because of who they chose to be not because of the color of their skin. As a handsome well educated ALL BLACK guy, I feel bad to know that a person of my race would think being white makes someone better than them just because of their skin color. You need to take another look at the black and white people around you and rethink your stand. Just before I end, think of the South African violence against foreigners, the Hutus and Tutsis genocide etc. and you will know it is more about who individuals choose to be and not about their skin color, tribe or nationality. It is more a matter of love and hate and you just said it "Rahhhhh! This is the kind of video I hate" too bad because it is a good song and you hate it just because there are white girls in it. So what does that make you?lol

    1. Thank you so much for taking time out of your day to comment on this post. I agree with everything you have said. I sincerely wish that we as black people were secure in who we are and indifferent to ignotance as the example you pointed out about people assuming your race would imply inferiority. Race means nothing, it is all about character/nobility.

      I am happy to know that there are like-minded individuals in the world and perhaps we can do things slightly different and help our brothers and sisters to view things in the same way.

      Again, thank you for your time. Feel free to follow me on twitter and instagram if you like. Hope to post more content in the future which you may find interesting to discuss. Until then, let us share let us grow.

      Your Friend,

    2. I don't think colour matters black, white whatever. I'm a black woman myself and I'm dark-skinned to be precise. I will make one thing clear though I will never condone the comments being mentioned on youtube with those women. You have mentioned 'I have not seen black men act in the same manner of bashing down black women for their interest in other races' because I have never bashed down a black man because of their interest in other races. I have faced verbal abuse a lot from black men by just holding hands with my white boyfriend walking down the streets such as "sell out" "slave masters girl". I am an open minded person black, white, Asian I can date I have no problem with race. If I read the question wrong or interpreted the question wrong please do say, and i feel like this is more like an attack on dark skinned women than just mere good advise. Maybe the title is a bit misleading.We are not all like that but I feel black women do bash black men yes but black women we also feel the hate when dating outside our race from black men. Trust me on the same YouTube go on channels that have black women and white men you would know what
      I'm talking about. It's not an attack I'm just giving you my experience and experiences of my friends here in London just for dating outside our race, just to show black men are not all innocent in this as well.

  2. to be precise. I will make one thing clear though I will never condone the comments being mentioned on youtube with those women. You have mentioned 'I have not seen black men act in the same manner of bashing down black women for their interest in other races' because I have never bashed down a black man because of their interest in other races. I have faced verbal abuse a lot from black men by just holding hands with my white boyfriend walking down the streets such as "sell out" "slave masters girl". I am an open minded person black, white, Asian I can date I have no problem with race. If I read the question wrong or interpreted the question wrong please do say, and i feel like this is more like an attack on dark skinned women than just mere good advise. Maybe the title is a bit misleading.We are not all like that but I feel black women do bash black men yes but black women we also feel the hate when dating outside our race from black men. Trust me on the same YouTube go on channels that have black women and white men you would know what
    I'm talking about. It's not an attack I'm just giving you my experience and experiences of my friends here in London just for dating outside our race, just to show black men are not all innocent in this as well.

    1. Hi Dear Sister,

      Thank you for taking time out of your day to leave your respectful opinion/comment on this post, it means a lot.

      Your take is very valid and it does not sound like you were the type of sister I was referring to. Many of my posts are generalisations on groups of people based on my experiences and observations. As you rightly mentioned, it does happen and to be frank I have only seen sisters hating on successful black men for having women of another race as their partners. It has been my own experience too, when I walked into a party with a light-skinned friend of mine that dark-skinned sisters called him eye candy and totally disregarded me and my other dark-skinned friends. Yet when I have expressed interest in other races in the past the same sisters have been quick to rebuke me just for my interest. If you go on YouTube you will see a lot of sisters making videos asking why black men are leaving them to be alone to pursue white girls and I have found that it is at time due to the attitudes that black men cannot be bothered dealing with, the hard-to-get attitude, the 'I am a queen or mother Africa' attitudes. So it is from that perspective that I was coming from and making generalisations about dark-skinned women although I know as much as you that all dark-skinned women are not like that at all. My current partner is dark-skinned and she is very different to anything I mentioned.

      However, your comment helps me to appreciate that this behaviour happens the other way around too, I have never seen that at all and it is sad to hear that men who are meant to be your brothers can say such harmful words. I apologise on their behalf. Love knows no race sister you are certainly right, we should be with the individual that complements and fulfils us as a person. You sound like you know how to deal with such negative brothers already, keep doing you sister.

      I have many posts in which I am going to make generalisations about black men too so watch out for those if you care to read what I have to say.

      And if you are on twitter or instagram and care to follow me please do so.

      I hope my response has helped you to understand where I am coming from. Again, thank you for your time. Keep strong and away from the negativity that is in some of our brothers and sisters. It is for people like you that I started this blog, people who want to share their experiences and be different.

      All the best to you.

      Your Friend,
