Monday 24 August 2015

Are controlling pastors keeping good young black women single?

As per my profile disclosure the majority of my posts are born out of either my own experiences or observations; this one is no different. I am going to use three real life examples of my friends' lives to make my case. My intent is not to be malicious, but to constructively share my opinion. Let us get right into it.

Case study 1
I have a male friend (let's call him Jonathan) who happens to come from Nigeria and you know what they say about Naija boys and fraud right? Well Jonathan and a few other Nigerian guys I have befriended have not fit that stereotype at all; although I am fully aware that I may have dealt with exceptions rather than rules. Anyway, Jonathan is a very switched on chap, I met him when he was in the UK pursuing his studies and I was very much intrigued by this brother's mind. I did not only learn that he is intelligent but also that he is a very humble and creative man. During the time he was around many afternoons were spent conversing about the political, moral and socioeconomic issues we both observed here amongst @Africanindiaspos and he also provided me with much insight about the situation back home.

When his studies were coming to the end, Jonathan and I were talking about marriage and the idea of how to raise children when he told me about a girl he knew back home (let's call her Rachel). He really liked her and their parents were family friends; he felt this was a really solid foundation upon which to build a life and she seemed to share the same sentiment. Fast forward a few months, Jonathan was now back in Naija and was pretty much courting Rachel when they started having conversations about children, family values etc. They were in agreement about virtually everything until it came to the church ritual of tithing. Jonathan is of the opinion that tithe is not applicable to the New Covenant believer whilst Rachel has been indoctrinated that to not tithe is to rob God (I will give my opinion in another post). To cut a long story short; Rachel told her pastor and church 'brothers' that her potential suitor did not believe in tithing and she was instructed to discontinue the relationship and like a good girl she followed daddy's recommendation. Jonathan was devastated to say the least but effectively moved on whilst conflicted Rachel still calls him from time to time, full of regret, unable to reconcile and also failing to find a good man.

Case study 2
Another male friend of mine (let's call him Frank) who is a semi-decent guy with good intentions was also in a relationship with a girl (let’s call her Nneka) many years ago when she 'gave her life to the Lord'. In actuality Nneka gave her life to her pastor because the way she treated Frank changed overnight and it was not as a result of listening to convict music I mean being convicted, lol, pas du tout (not at all). Instead it was because Nneka, who had grown up without a father, now had a Daddy in this pastor whose church she was attending and he had given her orders to stop seeing Frank the heathen and only be interested in his sons, i.e. his men who attended his church. Nneka, like Rachel, zealously obliged her pastor's commands and ended the long-term relationship. The wild thing is that Frank, if I remember clearly, was willing to travel on this righteous path with her had they both received proper guidance. Anyway he was hurt but managed to move on and form a stable (horse shelter) relationship which he has enjoyed for some years now actually so good on him. In regards to Nneka, well she ended up being treated like a blunt by the pastor’s sons. Yep it was puff puff pass in the church and she ended up really broken after many years of being committed to the ‘man of God’ and now actually despises religion. This is very sad considering that Frank held her in high regard.

Case study 3
Lastly a gentleman I once spoke to (let's call him Eversharp, lol in Zimbabwe there are people with such names) told me of how as a 'righteous' brother he was in a relationship with a very decent girl (let's call her Lorraine) when she started dealing with prophets. You know the type of prophets I am talking about right, the type of prophets who wear sharp tailor-made suits and have the supernatural ability to throw people on the floor by just waving their hands?



I don’t know what that achieves but anyway Lorraine started receiving hidden knowledge from such a prophet. She learned of how she would do well in her studies and become wealthy one day and it went straight to her head so much so that she began to view herself as superior to Eversharp. Eversharp reckons that she was probably told that he was not the man for her as well because around the same time she began to distance herself from him although he had helped her to get into university and had not, during the course of their relationship, tried to sleep with her as a sign of respect to her father and God. Like the other men mentioned above Eversharp was hurt and he was single when I spoke to him. One would think Lorraine had become more spiritual with all the ‘prophecies’ that she was receiving but that was not the case (murder was). Eversharp told me she started dating a weed-smoking drunkard instead. J.Lo would only have one thing to say here, ‘ain’t it funny’ in reference to yet another case of a good girl gone bad/mad at the hands of pastors.

All of the women I have mentioned are in their mid-20s to early thirties and have, in my opinion, been misled by controlling, self-serving pastors who have very little concern for them. They have been refrained from marrying men who may have been good to them by these conmen who only want to maintain sufficient control over them in order to extract financial resources from them indefinitely. All the while these sisters have become and less and less desirable to men as they have grown older, wider and more embittered by their loneliness and sense of entitlement (daddy’s promises must come true).

Although I do not drink let us pour out some liquor for our brothers and sisters who have missed out on good relationships because of prophets.


What are your thoughts? Am I way off? Are the sisters partially to blame? Let me know.

Until next time, let us share and let us grow!

‘I don’t even know what to say here’ - @Africanindiaspo

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