Friday 14 August 2015

Why do black men think that they are all that and a bag of chips?

My @Africanindiaspo sisters this is the moment you have been waiting for. I know it is since my previous posts have all been about things that sisters do and do not do. Well today I am going to lay into the brothers. After all we all need to share and grow from challenging one another.

A couple of incidents that have occurred have caused me to ponder on the subject matter above. The first one being when I was in the gym, walking to the water fountain and minding my own PLC (I mean business), when I saw a brother walking in front of me. He happened to be crossing paths with a white girl when he gave her this look that said, 'yo shortie what it do?' and looked back at her to check her out as she walked past. I would be remiss to eliminate the fact that this brother was walking like those rappers in the 90s videos, the era in which Mase and Puff Daddy wore shiny coloured suits and stuck their faces in front of video cameras. I wanted to cry but only managed to cringe as it all happened so fast. I was in shock, it's not as though this brother was very handsome and built like a tank or anything, he was just an average-looking guy and I wondered to myself 'where does he get such confidence from?'

Anyway, I thought I had seen it all after that moment but I was wrong - there were more black men to observe and interact with, lol.

In the second instance I was in the gym, yet again, chatting to some precious young @Africanindiaspo brothers I had met a few days before when a girl I know, but have never spoken to, came and started working out next to where we were. I immediately knew that things were potentially about to go left. The staring began, and the youngest brother who is approximately 18 years old started talking about how he could get this girl's number even though the girl is about 24 years old and happens to have a well-paying full time job. In order to save face for when I saw her again, I told the young men to behave. I did not know that I was only pouring fuel onto an open flame as the young brother felt an even greater urge to prove to me that he was the man. He wanted to even bet on it but I, being the person that I am, did not dare push this zealous brother beyond the point of no return. I simply kept quiet and thankfully it worked, although I still saw him trying to sneak her that look 'yo shortie look'.

(Sigh*) I was dumbfounded once more. Here was this young black man who probably still lives at home with his parents and doesn't have much to offer a woman, yet he was convinced that he could get this white girl who works a professional job to be interested in him. 'What would he talk to her about and where would he take her', were the questions I asked myself. That is when it hit me that these men were not confident at all, I deliberated that they were conceited and unrealistic instead. This is because to me confidence is being self-assuring and self-actualising, rather being delusional or having thoughts of grandeur.

I will generalise a little bit and say that most middle/upper class white girls in their 20s, especially those in the UK, are not typically into black men. If you doubt the legitimacy of such a claim then please do a little investigating to find out who the childhood crushes of such women were. I will bet you good money they were not LL Cool J, Denzel Washington or B2K, they were most likely Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt or N'sync instead. Therefore to be of a similar socioeconomic background, a handsome black man and be of the same age or older is not the best case scenario as it does not guarantee such a woman's interest. Now to be younger and black without any socioeconomic leverage is not to be like David vs Goliath, it is more like a 5 year old toddler against Goliath. You have to honestly be delusional at best, even faith will not work in these circumstances and yet it seems my brothers consider themselves to able to do all things. Without being crude, this is partly due to the sexual prowess they imagine themselves to have or are at least depicted by pornographic films to possess. This stereotype, I have found, causes black men to consider themselves very desirable. Unfortunately for them most young, 'attractive' white women are not looking for sex like that in a gym and if they are it is not with some young black player who cannot afford a lifestyle such as the one they lead. I am almost certain that the same truth is applicable for young, attractive, black women who enjoy financial success, the only exception being that a black man's looks do go further for him with the sisters.

I do not know what emboldens my brothers to even have the slightest thought that they can actually get some of the women they go for. Perhaps it is also due to the constant exposure to hip hop culture in which they see men like LL Cool J, who is in his 50s, still licking their lips for the ladies (Lip-Licking Cool James). The thing is, you will never see LL Cool J licking his lips and rubbing his own body in front audience of women like Kate Middleton, Michelle Obama or Condoleezza Rice. Men like him only behave this way in front of tasteless women such as Lil' Kim, Vivica Fox, Jennifer Lopez, etc. The essence of what I am trying to say is that us @Africanindiaspo brothers need to learn our demographic and market ourselves appropriately; we cannot be creeping out innocent white women in gyms like that. We are not as handsome or as desired as we think we are.


My @Africanindiaspo sisters what are your thoughts? Was this post fair or was I unreasonable? Do you like this licking of lips and winking of eyes? Please share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Until next time let us share, let us grow and please let us stop licking our lips. Lol.

'Black men respect your limitations, lol' - @Africanindiaspo


  1. Very true. Sadly, Black men are the least desired race of men globally to other women due to our position in the world and looks which are drastically different from other races.

    1. Thanks for your comment. Us brothers need to be more by the way of ambition before we even approach certain ladies as prospects for relationships.

  2. Stumbled on this. I think you have an elevated opinion of yourself, not the other way around.

  3. Stumbled on this. I think you have an elevated opinion of yourself, not the other way around.
