Monday 3 August 2015

Men age like whiskey whilst women age like freshly-squeezed, sweet tropical juice

Have you ever cracked open a bottle of freshly-squeezed tropical juice made up of organically grown, ripened fruits on a hot summer's day and downed it to only be left with a bad taste in your mouth? Personally when I have drunk fresh juice of this quality I have only ever been left refreshed although I am sure the experience would be different with stale juice. Whilst I am not really a connoisseur of alcoholic beverages I understand that the longer that whiskey sits and ages in a barrel the more characteristics it pulls from the char in the barrel (by means of thermal expansion or in laymen’s terms swelling into the wood). In simple terms it just means whiskey tastes better with age, the ideal age being 7 years (don’t quote me).

When you think of that from an asking price perspective tropical juice would command a higher price when it is initially produced and would need to be packaged, sold and consumed almost immediately or at least within a couple of weeks. If not consumed within this time frame it would just become unable to attract as high a price (it would need to be reduced) as it gets closer and closer to its best before date before finally becoming stale. The price would of course be further lowered when the packaging is damaged. On the other hand whiskey is cheaper when it is initially produced and immediately bottled than after it is stored in a barrel for some years and then subsequently bottled and sold. After maturation the asking price of a whiskey would be at its highest.

What is the purpose of this long spiel about drinks and how does it tie in with the post title you ask? Well I would argue that women are like fruit juices and that their becoming stale can be likened to their ageing whilst their damaged packaging can be translated to be an inability to have children or overexposure to many sexual partners. I am sure that as a rational person you will agree that I am not too far off with my assessment. Personally, I think that women are most attractive to men when they are between the ages of 18 to 25. That is the age when everything is held together physically and they usually do not have an eBook of names of men they have been with. It goes without mentioning that that is when they are also very fertile for the man looking to establish a lineage - you really have to catch them young. Therefore in my humble opinion the best time for a woman to have high expectations of a mate is between that 18 to 25 range. I will be brazen and say that that is the time frame in which to make a commitment as well. However, in today's culture women are told that they can pursue their careers and wait until later on (in their late 30s) to find a mate. They are misled to believe that they can have even higher expectations then than they did in their prime due to an improved CV or status in the marketplace. That, to me, is like a bottle of orange juice sitting on a shelf for 13 out of 14 days of its shelf life and then expecting to have held/increased its value. Would a prudent shopper pick up juice going out in the next two days for the same price as juice going out in two weeks? That is rhetorical right? Let's move on.

It is common knowledge that society touts that men mature later than women, I do not know how true that is these days but let's just go with it. It makes sense then, to say that men really have nothing to offer a woman when they are between the ages of 18 to 25. Financially, unless they are splurging daddy's cash, they have nothing but potential. Even after graduating at maybe 22 or 23 years of age, a young man can barely afford to ball like Spalding. For my non-hip hop readers that means they cannot afford a fancy pad or a brand new Mercedes, unless again, daddy is funding the lifestyle. I would expect that at this age these men cannot attract a woman inundated with options, unless she is wise enough to identify a man's potential. She would have to be able to read that he is not young bottled whiskey going nowhere in life (i.e. that he is not maxed out in terms of ability) but that instead he is in a barrel waiting to satiate taste buds (i.e. he has a game plan). My partner saw me in a barrel, haha. A man, however, commands more options as he hits his 30s (the age at which women depreciate). With no menopause in sight, an ability to still be physically fit, fertility for life and money in the bank he is well and truly on his way. In his 30s a man can attract his age mate, an older women desperate to have children before her ovaries spontaneously combust or an 18 year old full of vitality. Now ask yourself which option a wise fella would go for? So unless a man with potential can score a good gyal in his 20s, he should work hard and wait to marry until he has more options. Am I making sense here?

We live in an age where people like to ignore reality and that is fair enough. However, for those of us who are @Africanindiaspos we also live in an age whereby we are ill-advised and do not have elders to lend our ears to like we traditionally should. Although my posts seem to be largely targeted towards my sisters I have absolutely no gripe with them (just water, lol). I just happen to care and am able to see how the game is skewed to manipulate and waste their precious youth. These are words I wish to teach my daughters and sons if I should have any. Think about it, once women have wasted their years no one really wants to pursue a meaningful committed relationship with them. To show this reality terms like MILF (mum I'd like to f***) have been coined by young men to describe mature women (typically their friends' mothers that they fantasise about having sexual escapades with. You never hear the term MILM (mum I'd like to marry) being flung about. In fact it doesn't exist as I just made it up.

So when I see a young @Africanindiaspo sister glorying in her beauty and/or body I feel two things. One part of me feels pity for them, seeing them waste their precious years lying down with dogs because I know they will wake up one day and notice that they have fleas. Another part of me feels a sick pleasure in knowing that time will humble these 'immortal' divas. Time will teach them lessons that their ears did not want to hear. You just have to ask yourself what became of Naomi Campbell, Taraji P. Henson and even Christina Milian's looks? These sisters did not cash in before the odds turned against them, they stayed at the table and gambled their entire youth away. My sisters to be forewarned is to be forearmed. Rather than to argue with what I have said take a leaf out of Dizzee Rascal's book and fix up look sharp. To the men who oppose me you are part of the problem, wait until you have daughters.
'Feminism did not make women fertile and wrinkle-free in their 40s, 50s and 60s, it only fooled them to believe they would be all of these things' - @Africanindiaspo

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